24 July, 2008

West Jordan at Aunt Eleanor Birthday party

There was a surprise party in Orem for Aunt Eleanor Jorgensen on 24 July at the Washburn place. Various of the Jorgensen cousins contacted us. Aunt Eleanor, Uncle Cecil, and a goodly number of north Utah and Colorado
Jorgensen relatives in attendance: RI Jorgensen branch (Jerry, Steve, Mike, Jeff), Brown branch (Jared, George), and JR Clark (Bruce, Don Bragg). Also assorted progeny. Lunch and some hanging out before the group dispersed again.

Also we learned that Jared (Brown) has succeeded in getting a key family artifact back in the family: the Lion carried by to Utah by Mary Williamson (Mormon Martin company handcart survivor). This Lion figure has been talked about in family history in connection with the Mary Williamson story for years, but only Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Cecil had ever seen it. It has been a few places since 1858...
Mary Williamson and William Barton were parents of Amanda Barton Horsley, Florence V Jorgensen's mother.
The Lion went to Amanda Horsley and then to various Horsley family members and finally to some Horsley relatives in Montana who probably did not have much interest in most of the story other than it being an heirloom of some kind.
Jared was able to talk them into selling it. The plan is to place it for public display.
Lion figure, left side (note the screw - it is original, the figure is in two halves)
Lion figure, right side

Jerry Washburn holding lion figure
Jared/Margie Brown with Aunt Eleanor/Uncle Cecil and the lion
R.I. Jorgenson group (Jerry,Stephen, Mike, Jeff) with Aunt/Uncle and the lion

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