Graduation was - as usual - composed of Commencement (24 Apr) and Convocation (25 Apr)
These pictures are from some of each.
On Convocation day she has flowers and the diploma folder.
On Commencement day she does not. Thats how you can tell which.
Many other pictures taken, these are a sample. Weather still cooler and busier here than in Mesa, but on the whole still mostly pleasant .... Commencement day was windy and partially inclement - we have, but have not included, the pictures with everyone's hair awry. Convocation day was sunny, calm, and pleasantly cool - better photography conditions.
The Grad will be in Provo attending to grad school applications and for other purposes until we hear further.
1 comment:
Congratulations, Amanda! You succeeded! We are proud of you.
AZ Clarks
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