25 April, 2008

Amanda receives BA at BYU

BYU April 2008 Graduation pictures
Graduation was - as usual - composed of Commencement (24 Apr) and Convocation (25 Apr)
These pictures are from some of each.
On Convocation day she has flowers and the diploma folder.
On Commencement day she does not. Thats how you can tell which.
..... The Grad at the Stadium Cougar (flowers)
.... The Grad at the memorable JFSB courtyard (no flowers)
... The memorable JFSB courtyard alone (same day as above)
.... The Grad at southwest entrance - "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve" (north)
..... The Grad at southwest entrance - "The World is Our Campus" (south)

Many other pictures taken, these are a sample. Weather still cooler and busier here than in Mesa, but on the whole still mostly pleasant .... Commencement day was windy and partially inclement - we have, but have not included, the pictures with everyone's hair awry. Convocation day was sunny, calm, and pleasantly cool - better photography conditions.

The Grad will be in Provo attending to grad school applications and for other purposes until we hear further.

14 April, 2008

Greetings from Midvale

Hello all, we are trying to dig ourselves out of mounds of boxes. We moved to a larger apartment in our complex on Conference weekend, going from 418 sq. ft. to 584. Many thanks to Mom and Dad for their help and use of their vans. James and Dad moved a couple of large items that don't fit into the vans via a rolling method using the wheeled cart the aquarium sits upon.

I love the extra space and new stove, which actually heats up to the temperature it should. Most of the kitchen things are unpacked, as are the clothes. I hope to get through 2 or 3 boxes a night this week, which should wipe out the remaining clutter.

We're hoping to visit Mesa sometime in May. James wants to go to a Phoenix Diamondbacks baseball game while we're there, so the game schedule will be a factor. In the meantime, we're enjoying the Stanley Cup playoffs and hope that Colorado does well. The Utah Grizzlies are in the Kelly Cup playoffs, too, and at the time of this entry they're tied with Fresno in triple overtime in the second game of the first series.

James is still plugging away in the QC lab at Ultradent. After months of working at IHC hospitals through a temporary agency, IHC hired me in a "as needed" position in the medical records department. At first, my supervisor said they only had the budget for me to work two days a week, but that's been increased to a 40-hr week if I want. I'm considering working Monday to Thursday, as I've acquired a piano student on Friday afternoons. I was recently called as Primary pianist, and in addition was extended the opportunity to teach the bishopbric 1st counselor/Primary president's oldest son piano lessons. We start this coming Friday, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Apparently the student isn't thrilled at the prospect of lessons, but I'll try to make it fun. James continues to serve as a counselor in the Sunday School presidency.

We love you all and hope that all is well for the other branches of the family.

Peace, Marilyn and James

01 April, 2008

A Few Photos...

I thought that you might like to see these photos that we snapped while at Aunt Virginia's services.

It was good to see all of you and spend a little time together. Hopefully our next trip will be a lot longer in duration! We hope you're all doing well and enjoying spring. Everyone here keeps talking about what a beautiful spring it is, but I keep thinking that spring was back in January and this is a lot more like summer. Oh well, we can't have it all.
We're still on the house hunt. The perfect house just doesn't exist: new or at least almost new, lots of square footage, clean, nice yard, close to Joshua's work, in our ward, and mostly in our price range! So the hunt goes on. Other than that the boys are just growing and learning and Joshua and I are thoroughly enjoying watching their progress.
Eli continues to smile like crazy and he is able to make anyone happy. Just tonight I was helping a girl with her homework and she couldn't focus because Eli kept smiling at her and almost laughing at her. He's so happy!
German continues to soak up everything! His phrases have turned into sentences and he can communicate his ideas pretty clearly now. He continues to be shy around people he's not familiar with, but he really enjoys playing with his friends.
I was thinking that these two brothers, if their personality traits continue as they are now, will probably balance each other out quite well. I'm sure there will also be big differences, but maybe they can each learn from the other as time goes on. We love them both very much.
I'll stop now, assuming anyone is still reading this, and wish you all a great day. By the way, I hope you're all checking out our other blog. I do keep more regular, not so personal, stuff posted on that site. Okay, bye.