Dad got a few days to repack and restock and then it was out of town again for work.
Anyone recognize this building?
This is a very short drive up I-405 and I-90 (15 minutes max) from the job site and hotels in Renton. I attended on three days during the trip - have to make up for all the times I miss at Jordan River. Speaking of which .... This was #19 of the however-many temples now in operation. Jordan River was #20. They were both dedicated in 1980, and the two have several striking stylistic similarities.
These next shots are of the now completed Fed building in Renton. I have been in and out sporadically during the summer and late fall of 2007. The building is now occupied and in operation and is shown below..... I was up for what will be our last visit for a while - the startup is all done now
The above is admittedly a bunch of complete strangers - The Federal Reserve Seattle Cash department crew. In fact, the people I have worked most closely with (Paul Cheung and Robert Bujas (San Francisco)) are nearly hidden behind everyone else. Great bunch of people to work with and a sizeable chunk of my life last summer. Mixed emotions about being all done.....